As a painter, my art is founded in the image of women. My approach to the female figure is abstract and highly stylized. Through geometric shapes, vivid colors and strong lines I create captured imaginative scenes. The compositions hold elements of both urban and ethereal post-cubist space. The figures’ faces remain unidentified, anonymous; they are defined through their bodies as my muses: dancers, models, singers and dress forms for whom I design. The female figures portray playful, elegant and sensual forms. I design these bodies, clothes and scenes following my mood. I begin a piece with an idea or specific image of which the painting will express. However, my process always leads to my yielding control to the paint and where it inspires me to go.
Each composition alludes to my steady interest in blending fine art and design, which highly influence both the subjectivity and space of each piece. My chromatic solutions, design and composition of space are certainly influenced by the tradition of Abstract Expressionism via the New York School artists. However, I believe that my work expresses that of a Modern American Metropolitan artist.